Chaetomorpha (Spaghetti Algae) 1000ml

  • €16.25 *
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Chaetomorpha, also known as Chaeto, is a genus of marine macroalgae from the Chordariaceae family. Here is a general description of this genus and information about its cultivation:

Description of the Chaetomorpha genus:

  • Appearance: Chaetomorpha is a type of marine macroalgae with a filamentous shape. It consists of single-cell, thread-like structures that form loose clusters with a green or olive color.

  • Size: Depending on cultivation conditions, Chaeto can vary in size. It can be relatively small, but it can also grow to larger sizes, forming lush clumps.

  • Behavior: Chaetomorpha is a single-celled organism that grows in filamentous structures. It is a macroalga that performs photosynthesis, harnessing solar energy to produce energy.

Cultivating Chaetomorpha in marine aquariums:

  • Aquarium: Chaetomorpha is popular in marine aquariums because of its ability to remove excess nutrients like nitrates and phosphates. You can cultivate it in dedicated refugiums, areas of the aquarium designated for growing macroalgae, or simply in the main part of the aquarium.

  • Light: Chaeto macroalgae requires proper lighting. Typically, standard aquarium lighting is sufficient, but providing it with light of the right color and intensity can enhance its growth.

  • Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water parameters is essential. The aquarium water should have the right temperature, usually in the range of 24-28°C (75-82°F), and the appropriate salinity level, typically between 1.023 and 1.025. Regularly monitoring nutrient levels, such as nitrates and phosphates, is important.

  • Feeding: Chaetomorpha is an autotrophic organism, meaning it undergoes photosynthesis and produces its own food through sunlight. It does not require regular feeding. However, you can support its growth by providing proper lighting and nutrients in the water.

Cultivating Chaetomorpha in marine aquariums is popular due to its ability to control nutrient levels in the aquarium. It is important to provide adequate lighting and monitor water parameters to maintain its healthy growth.

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