Ophiocomina scolopendrina (Black brittle starfish)

  • Code: 5754
  • Manufacturer: JadwigaMorska
  • Availability: Exists Exists  (1 szt.)
  • €46.13
  • szt.

Ophiocomina scolopendrina, also known as the brittle star, is a species of brittle star belonging to the class Ophiuroidea. Here is a description and information on caring for this species:

Description of Ophiocomina scolopendrina:

  • Appearance: Brittle stars have a distinct appearance with a central disk and long, slender arms radiating from it. Their arms are usually covered with small, bumpy plates, giving them a rough texture. They are typically brown, tan, or grey in color.

  • Size: The size of Ophiocomina scolopendrina can vary, but they often have arms ranging from a few centimeters to over a foot in length.

  • Behavior: Brittle stars are marine invertebrates that live on the ocean floor. They are known for their agility and ability to move quickly by wriggling their arms. They primarily feed on detritus and small organic particles they find in the substrate.

Care for Ophiocomina scolopendrina in Marine Aquariums:

  • Aquarium: When keeping brittle stars in a marine aquarium, it's essential to provide them with a suitable substrate where they can bury themselves. They prefer a sandy or fine substrate to hide in during the day.

  • Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial. The water temperature should be kept in the range of 24-28°C (75-82°F), and salinity levels should be between 1.023 and 1.025. Good water filtration and regular water changes are essential.

  • Feeding: Brittle stars are scavengers and detritivores, meaning they primarily feed on leftover food and organic matter in the aquarium. However, they can also be provided with supplemental feeding, such as small meaty foods like small pieces of fish or shrimp. Ensure that you don't overfeed, as excess food can lead to water quality issues.

  • Compatibility: Brittle stars are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other marine aquarium inhabitants, including fish and corals. However, they may prey on small or slow-moving animals if food is scarce.

  • Handling: Brittle stars are fragile, and their arms can easily break if handled roughly. It's best to minimize handling them as much as possible.

Caring for Ophiocomina scolopendrina in a marine aquarium is relatively straightforward, as they are hardy and adapt well to aquarium conditions. Providing them with suitable substrate, stable water parameters, and a varied diet will help ensure their well-being in the aquarium.