Zebrasoma scopas 6-7 cm

  • €50.93
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Zebrasoma scopas, also known as the Yellow Tang, is a species of fish from the surgeonfish family. Here is a general description of this species and information on its cultivation:

Description of the Zebrasoma scopas species:

  • Appearance: Zebrasoma scopas is a fish with an oval-shaped body and intense yellow coloring. A distinctive feature of this species is the dark vertical stripes running across the body and tail of the fish, giving it a unique appearance.
  • Size: Individuals of this species can reach a body length of 15 to 20 centimeters.
  • Behavior: Zebrasoma scopas is typically a calm and sociable fish. It is a herbivorous fish that feeds on algae from coral reefs.

Cultivation of Zebrasoma scopas fish in marine aquariums:

  • Aquarium: An aquarium intended for the cultivation of Zebrasoma scopas should be adequately tailored to the needs of this species. These fish require space for swimming, as well as an ample supply of coral reefs and other marine plants, which serve as their natural food source.
  • Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial. The aquarium water should have a temperature ranging from 24-28°C (75-82°F) and the appropriate level of salinity, typically between 1.023 and 1.025. Good water filtration and regular water changes are essential.
  • Feeding: Zebrasoma scopas is herbivorous and primarily feeds on algae from coral reefs. In the aquarium, you can provide them with suitable plant-based food, such as nori seaweed, spirulina, or specialized diets designed for herbivorous fish.

Cultivating Zebrasoma scopas in marine aquariums is popular due to the attractive appearance of these fish and their ability to maintain a healthy ecosystem in the aquarium. However, it is essential to provide suitable plant-based food and maintain water quality to ensure the right living conditions for them.