Camposcia retusa 8cm

  • Code: 9988
  • Manufacturer: JadwigaMorska
  • Availability: Exists Exists  (1 szt.)
  • €39.75
  • szt.

Species Description of Camposcia retusa:

Appearance: Camposcia retusa is a decorator crab known for its camouflage abilities. Its body is small and round, with a distinctive feature being its chelae (claws) covered with numerous, multicolored sea anemones, coral fragments, and other objects found on the ocean floor. Thanks to these decorations, the crab is perfectly concealed on the seabed.

Size: Camposcia retusa is a relatively small crab, typically reaching a body length of a few to several centimeters.

Behavior: It is a sedentary organism that spends most of its time hidden within its camouflage on the seabed. Its behavior involves remaining motionless or moving slowly to avoid revealing its location to predators.

Breeding Camposcia retusa Crabs in Marine Aquariums:

Aquarium: An aquarium intended for breeding Camposcia retusa crabs should provide suitable conditions for hiding and camouflage. These crabs need access to various items they can use to adorn their bodies, such as sea anemones and coral fragments.

Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial. The aquarium water should have an appropriate temperature and salinity level, depending on the specific requirements of this species. Good water filtration and regular water changes are also essential.

Feeding: Camposcia retusa is a predator and feeds on small marine organisms and plankton. In the aquarium, they can be fed various food sources, such as frozen shrimp, mollusks, or other small marine animals.

Breeding Camposcia retusa crabs in marine aquariums can be a fascinating experience due to their camouflage abilities and body decorations. It is important to provide them with the right environmental conditions and access to items for adorning their bodies.