Trochus histrio

  • Code: 3838
  • Manufacturer: JadwigaMorska
  • Availability: Exists Exists  (44 szt.)
  • €6.77
  • szt.

Trochus histrio, also known as the "Christmas Tree Snail," is a species of marine snail from the Trochidae family. Here is a general description of this species and information on its cultivation:

Description of Trochus histrio:

  1. Appearance: Trochus histrio has a distinctive, cone-shaped shell with bright colors, often adorned with various patterns resembling a Christmas tree, hence its name "Christmas Tree Snail." The shell can be white, black, brown, or green, and the patterns on it can be quite diverse.

  2. Size: Individuals of this species typically reach shell lengths ranging from several to several centimeters.

  3. Behavior: Trochus histrio is a marine snail that feeds on algae and biofilms growing on coral reefs and other underwater surfaces. In the aquarium, it is active and can help maintain cleanliness on the underwater substrate.

Cultivation of Trochus histrio in marine aquariums:

  1. Aquarium: An aquarium intended for the cultivation of Trochus histrio should have an adequate amount of substrate on which the snail can move and graze on algae. It is also essential to provide a sufficient amount of coral reefs and other underwater structures that serve as natural food sources and shelter for the snail.

  2. Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial. The aquarium water should have a temperature ranging from 24-28°C (75-82°F) and an appropriate salinity level, usually between 1.023 and 1.025. Good water filtration and regular water changes are essential.

  3. Feeding: Trochus histrio is a herbivorous snail that feeds on algae and biofilms. In the aquarium, it can be fed with various food sources, such as nori algae, spirulina, or specially prepared herbivore snail food.

Cultivating Trochus histrio in marine aquariums is relatively straightforward as they are herbivorous snails that help maintain a healthy aquarium environment. The key is to provide suitable environmental conditions and access to food.